Ramadan 2023 in Dubai
The month of Ramadan is the most important month of the year for Muslims; this is the 9th month when God revealed the Quran to his prophet and messenger Muhammed (asws). It is therefore a month in which the Muslim strengthens his faith by daily fasting, and by learning and strengthening his science in Islam; He also multiplies his good deeds by benevolence, charity, good behavior towards his neighbor, prayers and invocations etc.
The dates of the month of Ramadan vary by moving back about 10-12 days each year, this year it is expected between March 23, 2023 and April 21, 2023.
A special atmosphere emerges during this sacred month, the sense of sharing is multiplied tenfold. You will be able to witness scenes of generosity, sharing and communion. You will also discover the beautiful sound of “adhan” – call to prayer – and the joys of “Iftar” – a meal with which Muslims break their fast at sunset. Restaurants offer menus and special offers for Ramadan. You can enjoy the buffets and specialties offered by restorers throughout the city.
During this month, non-Muslims show respect by avoiding drinking, eating or smoking in public. However, restaurants and other businesses remain open as usual, except for some businesses that may reduce their working hours to devote more time to family and the fulfillment of this Muslim duty.
From a tourism point of view, the activities practiced in Dubai continue to operate normally during the month of Ramadan (desert safaris and excursions, dinner cruises, guided tours, etc.) except for dance performances, which are not allowed during the month of Ramadan in Dubai and sometimes replaced by traditional musicians. So you can come without fear to discover our activities, even during the month of Ramadan!